Picture of Frisco Texas from a drone of the Texas Star practice facility

Frisco TX Demographics

General Population
Population as of May 1, 2013: 132,080

Cost of Living Index: 95.3 (U.S. Average is 100)

Male: 49.9%

Females: 51.1%

Median Resident Age: 33.9

Population Density: 1890 people per sq. mile

Population Growth Since 2000: 198%

Median Household Income: $101,972 (est)

Income per capita: $39,200 (est)

Median Home Value: $238,600 (est, all housing)

Median Detached Single Family Home: $318,815

Median Rent: $1,192

Picture of Frisco Texas from a drone of the Texas Star practice facility

Ethnicity & Race
White: 67.2%

Hispanic: 12.1%

Asian: 9.9%

Black: $7.8%

Two or more races: 2.3%

American Indian: 0.4%

Other: 0.6%

Population over 25 years of age:

High School or Higher: 94.5%

Bachelors or Higher: 49.8%

Graduate or Professional Degree: 12.3%

Unemployment Rate : 5.4%

2004 Election (by % of votes)

Republican: 71%

Democrat: 28%

Other: 1%

2008 Election (by % of votes)

Republican: 63%

Democrat: 37%

Other: 0% ( < 1% )

Data is pulled from a number of sources and is believed to be reliable but is not guaranteed. Please contact us if you would like to make a correction (be sure to include the source).